Shery MeRkle

Shery has been a self-employed interior designer for over 22 years and has built successful design firms in 3 states, Ohio, New York, and Tennessee. She has also worked with clients up and down the east coast and has won “Best Interior Design” for a showhouse.

In addition to complete design services, she specializes in new construction and major renovation project management with almost 200 projects in her portfolio.

She has mastered the ability to bring projects in on budget and on time.

“What sets Shery apart is her passion and dedication to create a space that not only involves typical design elements, but includes at equal importance what we love, how we live, and who we are. She does not consider making a showpiece good enough. It must truly support every aspect of how we will be using that space, and what we need from it.”

— Christie

“I have seen many clients who bought their ‘dream home’ only to realize it didn’t work for their daily living style. When I completed their projects they finally felt at home and their space feels and functions like a dream.”
